Condiciones Generales de Alquiler y Normas de Uso de los alojamientos La Casa Rebonita


El CLIENTE puede solicitar información por teléfono, correo electrónico y mensaje directo a través de la web. La información será facilitada por el mismo
canal. Se informará de la disponibilidad, características, precios y cualquier otra cuestión que requiera el CLIENTE.

Las reservas se podrán hacer a través de los diferentes medios habilitados; plataformas de operadores turísticos, motor de reservas de nuestra web y por correo electrónico en la dirección [email protected]. El CLIENTE deberá indicar: día de entrada, día de salida, precio que le ha sido ofertado y sus datos identificativos completos. Desde el mismo medio elegido para la reserva se enviará un mensaje de confirmación de disponibilidad. Para finalizar la reserva el CLIENTE debe seguir los pasos indicados en el medio habilitado que esté utilizando para tal fin y según información que se le solicite. Recibida la información solicitada el PROPIETARIO se pondrá en contacto con el CLIENTE para confirmar que la reserva está en orden y para concretar todos los detalles para la recepción.

La edad mínima para reservas y el Check-in es de 18 años.


Como propietario de alojamientos estamos obligados a recoger los datos identificativos de TODAS las personas que se alojen en estos y hacer la pertinente comunicación a la Guardia Civil. Los datos obligatorios que debe facilitar de TODAS las personas que se alojen son: Nombre completo y Apellidos, DNI o pasaporte, así como la dirección completa, número de teléfono y e-mail de la persona responsable de la reserva.

Se recomienda al CLIENTE que cuando sea posible utilice nuestro servicio de pre-registro o en caso contrario tenga a mano la documentación en el momento de la reserva para agilizar la entrega de llaves y el disfrute del alojamiento contratado.

3 – PAGO

La reserva de alquiler de cualquier alojamiento estará confirmada una vez cumplimentados los datos solicitados. Según tarifa elegida se hará efectivo el depósito anticipado en concepto de fianza y garantía de la reserva. El importe del depósito podrá ser de hasta un 50% aproximadamente del importe total a pagar por el alquiler o del 100% según tarifa vigente contratada, tarifa estándar y no reembolsable respectivamente. En cualquier caso, el PROPIETARIO determinará la cantidad exacta que debe ingresar como depósito y la comunicará al CLIENTE en el correo electrónico de la confirmación de disponibilidad. Este depósito puede realizarlo por tarjeta de crédito o Bizum.

Una vez recibida la confirmación del pago por parte del CLIENTE, este recibirá nuestra confirmación de reserva, por escrito vía e-mail. En el caso de que no hayamos recibido el depósito anticipado la reserva quedará automáticamente anulada sin necesidad de aviso al CLIENTE y el alojamiento pasará nuevamente a estar libre para su reserva por cualquier persona. El PROPIETARIO podrá exigir un depósito anticipado como fianza para garantizar la reparación de posibles desperfectos que sufriera la vivienda y sus enseres. El resto de la totalidad del importe de la estancia (sin descontar el depósito anticipado para fianza si existiera) podrá pagar con tarjeta de crédito o Bizum antes de la fecha del Check-in con el fin de asegurar el haber recibido el pago. Si el CLIENTE desea pagar al contado, se pagará el mismo día de llegada, en el momento de la entrega de llaves. Recomendamos pagar con billetes inferiores a 200€ y 500€, no aseguramos disponibilidad de cambio y por tanto se deberá utilizar otro medio de pago alternativo (tarjeta o Bizum).

Este alojamiento utiliza una plataforma externa para administrar el sitio web, el motor de reservas, el Chanel Manager y el PMS lo cual te permite reservar de forma confiable, gracias a su modelo de seguridad y garantías.

La plataforma maneja transacciones 3D Secure y se encarga de tutelar tu pago para garantizar el cumplimiento de las condiciones de reserva y una política de cancelaciones establecidas.

Se aceptan pagos con tarjeta de crédito:


The CLIENT receives the accommodation in optimal conditions of cleanliness and order, and is obliged to take care of it correctly. If the CUSTOMER observes any damage or anomaly, he must report it at the time of observation or at the time of handing over the keys.

THE CLIENT must leave and return the accommodation in acceptable conditions of cleanliness and with all the furniture and belongings in the same state as they were when they entered it. It is expressly requested to keep the furniture, books, games and belongings in their original places.

At the end of their stay, the OWNER will check the property and fixtures of the accommodation, as well as its cleanliness and order, in the presence of the guests.

In the event that at the time of booking the CLIENT has been required to make an advance deposit as a deposit to make the reservation, it is considered to guarantee the repair of possible damage or loss of equipment elements. It will be returned at the end of the stay if at the time of booking Return the keys, the house is in the same condition in which it was delivered.

If the home suffers any damage by the CLIENT, said damage will be repaired or the CLIENT will pay the amount of the repair . In this case, the part necessary to cover the costs of repair, substitution or replacement of elements that allow the rural house to be returned to its original state will be deducted from the deposit.

If the cost of the repair or replacement of these objects is higher than the deposit, the Deposit will not be returned and payment of the damages will be left pending until the damage is evaluated, and will be settled later.

If there is no Deposit, the CLIENT hereby undertakes to pay the cost of the repair, substitution or replacement of the affected elements.


Groups for bachelor/ette parties, groups of adults under 30 years of age and other events such as weddings, communions, etc., ARE NOT ALLOWED.


The CLIENT undertakes to act with the utmost civility, respecting the environment, calm, nature, cleanliness and order of the home.

The CLIENT and all guests of the accommodation are subject to respect for the coexistence regulations that govern the municipality of Candelario, Salamanca. Rest hours are understood to be from 00:00 to 8:00.

In addition, other rules of use and coexistence are established:

- Respect, at all times, for calm and rest, as well as coexistence with guests from other accommodations, as well as the environment. For this reason, parties are not allowed.

- The CLIENT must be diligent and careful in the consumption of electricity, heating, water, pellets or similar, as well as the security of the building and homes. In this sense, the CUSTOMER must try to leave the entrance door and windows tightly closed, especially when leaving, just as they would do in their own home.

- It is prohibited to leave garbage in the home or on the street next to the entrance door. The CLIENT agrees to throw his garbage bags in one of the containers for deposit that exist in the municipality.

- The CLIENT must respect the furniture and facilities of the accommodation. We like that all our guests, like you, find maximum comfort and cleanliness.

- Due to the location of the property (in the center of the municipality), the use of any type of pyrotechnic material (firecrackers, flares, etc.) is strictly prohibited.

- In the event of evidence of VANDALISM, NOISE, DISTURBANCE, FOUNDED COMPLAINTS FROM NEIGHBORS or IMPRUDENT USE of the accommodation and its belongings, the OWNER reserves the right to terminate the rental contract at any time, and guests must leave the property immediately.

- The OWNER reserves the right to not accept or cancel stays that do not comply with the rules of coexistence, at any time and without the possibility of refund.

- The OWNER is not responsible for personal objects left in the accommodation by CLIENTS, as well as for objects that they may have forgotten.

- Smoking is prohibited in all accommodation. 


The accommodations have a maximum occupancy, which can only be occupied by the number of people indicated in the reservation (both adults and children). In no case can this figure be exceeded. In the event that the number of occupants of the rented accommodation is greater than the number indicated in the contract and declared in the entry document and, consequently, the registration forms that are delivered to the Civil Guard, the OWNER reserves the right of admission and will inform the Civil Guard, exempting itself from any incident and the corresponding legal responsibility that may occur in the rural house, derived from overoccupancy.

Each accommodation is provided with facilities, spaces and furniture according to its category and the capacity with which it has been rented and according to a responsible declaration before the Junta de Castilla y León. Any improper use of the accommodation will not give rise to any claim by the CLIENT. On the contrary, in the event of any breakdown caused by improper use by the CUSTOMER, the CUSTOMER assumes responsibility and will have to pay the total cost of the necessary repair.


Pellet Heating
The accommodations have heating with a pellet stove in addition to the hot water boiler. The price includes the provision of pellet baskets for use in said stove at no additional cost in sufficient quantity for the contracted days. Moderate and safe consumption of this type of heating is recommended.

are allowed upon request, consult PET POLICIES on our website.

There is free Wi-Fi internet connection available in all accommodations, request username and password.


Entry to the accommodation will be from 3:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. on the first contracted day and departure from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. on the last contracted day. If the CLIENT wishes, the OWNER can prepare entry to the rented accommodation from 12 noon (whenever possible) on the first contracted day and departure until 5 p.m. on the last contracted day. To obtain this extension of hours, the CLIENT must expressly communicate it, with sufficient advance notice. If it has not been previously communicated, the OWNER has no obligation to respond to said CUSTOMER request.
This service of extending departure until 5:00 p.m. will involve a charge of 25% of the current rate and per day of occupancy of the accommodation.


Pets are allowed. The owner reserves the right to make an exception for its acceptance solely and exclusively under his free decision - taking into account the criteria of cleanliness and conservation of furniture and belongings -, upon request by the CLIENT, in writing and in detail, of the animal that it is, applying the current rates. Consult PET POLICY on our website.


The reservation cancellation policy is subject to the conditions of each rate and can be consulted at the time of making the reservation through the different means of contracting.

Standard / flexible rate 7 days

You can cancel free of charge up to 7 days before your arrival date.
If you cancel within 7 days before the arrival date, the cancellation fee will be the price of 50% of the total reservation.
If you do not show up, the charge will be the full price of the reservation.

Non-Refundable Rate
No refund of the total amount of the reservation is contemplated.

To eliminate or cancel additional places, you must inform at least 24 hours or more before arrival.

In the event that the client cancels his reservation, for justified reasons and always under the discretion and decision of the OWNER, the payment paid will be kept for a maximum period of 6 months, in which he may make a new reservation, adapting to the available dates or accommodations, as well as any rate changes that may occur. If after said period, the CLIENT has not used the deposit, it will be permanently lost. The cost of transferring the refund of the advance payment will be borne by THE CUSTOMER

Juan Carlos Valdés Dorado - CIF:02610389G - C/Matute, 11-13, 37710 Candelario, Salamanca (España)

Tel:+34659938329 [email protected]